Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Roma to Emerald

Distance travelled so far 1,599 kms

After checking out we headed for IGA, the only supermarket open on Sunday as Woolies is not, and got a BBQ Chicken so we had meat for the next two nights at Carnarvon Gorge and then stopped at Bakearoma for a meat pie, apple scroll and some scones. Not as good as our previous bakery experience but still worth a visit - scones were very fluffy and a great size! Bakearoma - Bakery & Coffee Lounge 

Before leaving Roma we headed to check out the Big Rig, we did not pay for the tour just looked at it. The Big Rig - Experience a Slice of Roma's History (bigrigroma.com.au) 

Note however that it has a great Information Centre attached where we were able to get more information books about the trip ahead. We fueled up at Liberty Fuel (the cheapest in town and also the most convenient to hit the main road again as it was just up the road from our motel!

Liberty Oil Roma


After leaving here we were back on the Carnarvon Highway and headed to the Gorge! We stopped at Hendriks Park in Injune for something to eat, a lovely little park with a seats and tables and a lovely big circle of sandstone blocks you can sit on. It also has a tribute to a man who was a mechanic but also an Aboriginal Rock Art expert and travelled widely. (Stay tuned for more details as I cannot find the name but will update with it once I find it). 

We then went to the Information Centre, lovely lady there. We questioned about the trip to the Gorge and got a map and pamphlet on it too! Sadly, as it was Sunday, the Cafe was not opened!

A relatively uneventful journey to the turnoff except a "hero" who thought overtaking us and then the 3 caravans ahead was a good idea - every time risking their, and our lives but doing so while going up a hill or near bends!

We turned off to the Gorge road and were again met with a sign we have become used to "no fencing" now this is the past has meant there are sheep that graze  on the side of the road - not so this time - this time it was cows! A fair few of them too along the 40km stretch!! We also stopped for a group of 4 kangaroos (not quite a mob) that seemed to be having a bit of a chat on the road!

We arrived at The Breeze (formally Takarakka Bush Resort) BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks - Carnarvon Gorge | Book Direct & Save With BIG4

We were in an Explorer Cabin - be warned no TV and wifi for Perks+ members only and only available near the reception building. (Which for us was fine! Not so for the teen!). We headed up to the lookout at the park and enjoyed the views and the quiet! 

We also headed to the Creek around 5.30pm to spot Platypus -which we did! 

Then back up to the lookout for the sunset! 

The next day was the walk of Carnarvon Gorge - we left the car at the Visitor Centre carpark, looked in at the information at the Visitor Centre and headed off. The walk is long but worthwhile - we did not start till 10.30am as there had been an electrical outage in our accommodation and we needed to ensure it was fixed. (Joys of living remotely). But we did walk out of the park just before 5.30pm, it was still light and we had not rushed at all during the day! 

We walked up to the Art Gallery amazing Aboriginal Art - painting and carvings, protected by a barrier and a platform with seats that you can sit on and enjoy the art and have a well earned rest from walking. To get to this point in the walk we had crossed 6 water crossings - all with stepping stones you need to cross these on the way back so a total of 12 crossings if you just did the Art Gallery but there are 2 more crossings that you cross twice - so 16 water crossings if you do all the branches back to the Visitor Centre. Art Gallery walk | Carnarvon Gorge, Carnarvon National Park | Parks and forests | Department of Environment and Science, Queensland (des.qld.gov.au)

Our next stop was Ward's Canyon - a steep walk up and by the time you finish this walk you are getting tired of stairs...by the end of the day you will not be happy to see them - but again every step is worthwhile to reach the end point.

In Ward's Canyon you will see the world's largest King Ferns and it is like stepping back in time! Ward's Canyon walk | Carnarvon Gorge, Carnarvon National Park | Parks and forests | Department of Environment and Science, Queensland (des.qld.gov.au)

Back down the stairs (much easier than up) and you head down the path until you reach the Amphitheatre track - it is about 600m from the main track and when you arrive you have to climb up a metal ladder (which you will need to climb backwards to get down) But the reward for this trek is truly an amazing experience and well worth the time and effort! Amphitheatre walk | Carnarvon Gorge, Carnarvon National Park | Parks and forests | Department of Environment and Science, Queensland (des.qld.gov.au)

Last stop on the way back is the track to the Moss Garden, travelling to this you will see a rock whose roots are wrapped around a rock - at the end of the path you will be treated to a waterfall and water 
continually dripping from the cliff which the moss love and the trees have reached out too to get!

Moss Garden walk | Carnarvon Gorge, Carnarvon National Park | Parks and forests | Department of Environment and Science, Queensland (des.qld.gov.au)

The last part of the trek home seems to take a while - signs on how far you are from the Visitors Centre would be a great incentive, but enjoy the bird sounds and look around! 

It would have to be the best advice - LOOK - left, right, up, down - you just don't know what you will see!

We slept very well that night!

The next morning after checking out, we took a quick trip to the Rock Pool, which is only 300m from the carpark! Beautiful and worth the effort! Rock Pool walk | Carnarvon Gorge, Carnarvon National Park | Parks and forests | Department of Environment and Science, Queensland (des.qld.gov.au)

It was then out of the Gorge, past some cows who ran across the road or were grazing right beside and back on the Carnarvon Highway and on to Rolleston for lunch! 

We stopped at Beazley Park and got drinks from The Cart in the Park (5) ABC Capricornia | Facebook and made our lunch which we enjoyed there! There is also an old hut on the site Purbrook Hut!

It was then onwards to Emerald! Now on the Dawson Highway until arriving at Emerald where we turned onto the Capricorn Highway. 

We arrived in the afternoon at The Central Hotel Emerald Central Hotel This is a very well situated hotel, comfortable rooms and is currently going through some updating which are sure to make it even better!

This marks the end of our journey on The Great Inland Way - Tomorrow we change direction!

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